I am the Minister for the Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport and am a government leader in Ireland's three-party coalition.
As leader of the Green Party, I am working for fast and fair climate action at home and abroad.
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My Top Priorities
The Dodder River Greenway
Work is underway on the 24km walking and cycling route along the Dodder River from the Grand Canal Docks to the Bohernabreena reservoirs.
Housing in Dublin Port & Poolbeg
Dublin Port is a thriving and essential port for our city and for the country. It does need to develop but that development also needs to be sustainable, taking into account our national climate, circular economy, housing and biodiversity objectives.
Sustainable Transport for Dublin
Too many Dublin streets are dominated by cars. We are tackling gridlock with space for people and priority lanes for cycling and public transport.
warmer homes
Generous grants, One Stop Shops, and new low cost loans coming soon will make retrofitting easier and more accessible. We're on track to smash through our target of 37,000 retrofits set for 2023 and next year we’ll go even higher.
solar revolution
Three years ago, hardly any houses had solar panels. Following our move to zero vat on PVs the number is now 70,000 and rising by over 700 every week.
climate leadership
Global solutions are needed for global climate problems. I’m working to ensure a robust EU position at COP28 so that the ‘polluter pays’ principle is at the heart of negotiations on climate financing and so that we can ensure greater energy access for developing countries.